Try it; you'll like it.

David Wright of Seattle, Leading on Sunday

This website contains information about shape note (Sacred Harp) singing in Hyde Park and throughout the Chicagoland area.

Upcoming Singings:

(This area is for the next annual singing and/or special workshops and such. For our regular weekly and monthly singings, please click the Calendar of local singings link below. For a list of all our annual singings, please click the Calendar of annual singings link below.)

Fox Valley Folk Festival--Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024 11:00 AM – 12:20 PM (CDT) (We need to be set up by 11:00)

in the teaching tent at the north end of Geneva's Wheeler Park

822 North 1st Street, Geneva, IL

We will sing from the Denson 1991 edition of The Sacred Harp (red book) with books available to borrow. You are welcome to come and sing or listen or a little of both.

Easy parking and public transportation from Chicago.


We sing in an open-sided tent and expect a breeze blowing through. Other Covid precautions are encouraged but not required. As always, if you are not feeling well, have any symptoms that could indicate a Covid infection (sore throat, congestion, fever, body aches, diarrhea, etc.), have been exposed to a communicable illness, or have been in crowded public events in the five days before the singing, please stay home and take care of yourself so that you can come sing with us another day.

This is an opportunity to introduce some deep old American tunes to an appreciative audience. We look forward to singing with you!

More details will be sent to everyone on the Chicago Shapenote Singer's email list as they become available so be sure you are on it by clicking the "Join our email list" link, below.