Samples of Shape Note Music on the Web

Pilgrim Production
The most comprehensive website of which we're aware. It has links to MP3s of many different all-day singings and probably has one for 98% of the songs in the 1991 Denson Sacred Harp.
Youtube has many Shape Note videos. Search for shape note or Sacred Harp or Chicago shape note.
From the Alabama Center for Traditional Culture. Real Audio. 276 K.
The Golden Harp
By the Davis Bros. Quartet. From Alabama Center for Traditional Culture (Mac users may have problems with truncation of the file name). Real Audio.
Glory Shone Around
From Alabama Center for Traditional Culture. Real Audio.
Wondrous Love
From the Library of Congress American Memory Collections. Sounds like the record got stuck at one point. MP3 format.
From Library of Congress American Memory Collections. "Prettified" version by Stanford University Chorus, 1939. WAV format.
Great God, Attend
From Library of Congress American Memory Collection. Fort Valley State College Folk Festival, collected September 1938.
Fort Valley State College Folk Festival, 1938. Library of Congress American Memory Collection. MP3.