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This website contains information about shape note (Sacred Harp) singing in Hyde Park and throughout the Chicagoland area.
Upcoming Singings:
(This area is for the next annual singing and/or special workshops and such. For our regular weekly and monthly singings, please click the Calendar of local singings link below. For a list of all our annual singings, please click the Calendar of annual singings link below.)
Lincoln's Birthday Singing
Lincoln's Birthday Singing, Saturday, February 8, 3-5 pm
Once again the Chicago Sacred Harp Singers will be presenting a shapenote singing workshop as part of the University of Chicago Folk Festival.
This is a wonderful opportunity to introduce new singers to The Sacred Harp. We will have a short singing school to familiarize new singers with the rudiments of 4-shape singing, and we will sing from the 1991 edition of The Sacred Harp.
Join us on Saturday, February 8, from 3-5 pm in the second floor west library of Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637. Come early and enjoy the other workshops and impromptu jam sessions that take place throughout Ida Noyes during the day. The hall resounds with music and dancing.
We look forward to singing with you!
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Thanks: University of Chicago (hosting), Will Fitzgerald (design), Jessica Beer (photography).